There is a thin line between love and obsession, and we have seen this time and time again in human history. Many people have committed horrifying acts in the name of love, which often makes you wonder, was that really love?

The first story in my upcoming Book 2 of The Horror Wedding Series, The Botanist's Wife, tells the story about a botanist's twisted obsession with a tree. It draws inspiration from a true story that highlights the thin line between love and obsession. The story in question is the tale of Carl von Cosel, who dug up the remains of the woman he claimed he loved and made her into a modern-day mummy. There are also claims he had sex with her mummified remains, which he kept on his bed.

Carl Von Cosel, or as he liked to call himself, Carl Tanzler, was born on February 8, 1877. Truth be told, he was always an oddball right from his childhood days when he claimed to have seen a vision of his dead ancestor, Countess Anna Constantia von Cosel, who revealed to him the dark-haired woman he was destined to love.

He got married to Doris Schafer in 1920, and the name he used on the marriage certificate was George Karl Tanzler. Doris gave birth to their first child Ayesha Tanzler, two years later, and another girl in 1924, named Clarista. At his mother's suggestion, he moved to the United States, sailing from Rotterdam on February 6, 1926, to live with his sister in Zephyrhills, Florida. His family will later join him in the US. 

After settling in Zephyrhills, he began working at the US Marine Hospital as a radiology technician in 1927. He left his family back in Zephyrhills and moved to Key West, Florida, using his birth name, Carl von Cosel.


                                        The Strange Obsession of Dr. Carl Von Cosel           


The mystery of his tale took shape on April 22, 1930, when he met Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos, 21, who he recognized as the dark-haired beauty from his vision he was destined to love. To his dismay, Elena was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which will eventually lead to her death and those of most her immediate family members. He tried everything in his power, using his self-proclaimed medical knowledge to cure her. He also tried to win her over using many gifts, including jewelry and clothing. According to rumors, he confessed his undying love to her, although they fell short of confirming if she reciprocated his love. The illness finally took her life on October 25, 1931, despite Carl's best efforts.

Carl financed her funeral as well as the building of a mausoleum in her honor. Carl's love for Elena didn't end at her death. In the next two years that followed, he was seen visiting her remains every night. He went as far as serenading her corpse with her best Spanish song. He claimed that Elena's spirit came to him while he sat by her grave and often asked him to take her away from the mausoleum with him. He finally gave in and took her remains home, transporting her with a toy wagon.

He dressed Elena in her own clothes at his home, including gloves, stockings, and jewelry. He then proceeded to place her on his bed. As the corpse continued to decompose, he used coat hangers and wires to keep the bone together, and he replaced her decayed eyes with ones made of glass.

Her skin continued to rot, but he didn't stop there; He soaked silk cloth in plaster of Paris and wax, which he used to replace her rotting skin. He stuffed her chest and abdominal cavity with rags to make sure she maintained her original form. When her hair fell off completely, he made a wig from Elena's hair initially given to him by her mother immediately after her burial.

He used several preserving agents to prevent decomposition and a large amount of perfume and disinfectants to mask the odor of her decomposing body. An even more horrifying detail is that he had sex with Elena's remains by putting a paper tube in the region of her vagina.

Elena's sister Florinda Medina visited Carl to confirm the rumors about the violation of her sister's body in 1940. After confronting him, she discovered the horrifying truth when she saw him dancing with the mummified remains of her sister through a window. She informed the police, who discovered the mummified body of Elena on Carl's bed when they searched his home.

The mummified appearance of Elena's body made it appear alive, and Carl even placed a flower in her hair. The police also discovered a closet containing bridal clothes he used to dress her corpse. One of the terrifying things about the whole ordeal was how Carl remained calm while explaining how Elena's corpse came into his possession and how he mummified it. He even claimed Elena's corpse comes alive sometimes to talk to him.

He was later charged with "wantonly and maliciously destroying a grave and removing a body without authorization." Elena's body was taken back to Key West cemetery, its original resting place, and kept in an unmarked grave at a secret location to avoid future tampering.

The charges against Carl were dropped, and by this time, his story was popular in the whole country. Despite the strangeness of his story, many people in the country considered him an "eccentric romantic,"

In 1944 he wrote an autobiography called "The Secret of Elena's Tomb," explaining his side of the story about turning the love of his life into a ghoulish mummy.

In his last days, he lived close to his wife, and in 1950 he was finally given American citizenship. During this time, he continued his obsession with Elena creating a death mask that he placed on her life-sized model. According to certain rumors, Carl switched Elena's body before it was taken away from him.

The Story of Carl von Cosel and his corpse bride was a big deal during the mid-1900s. He attracted both sympathizers and critiques who viewed him as nothing but a perverted man. Whatever the case might be, Carl's story is another story that makes us question where love ends, and obsession begins.



The Gruesome Story Of Carl Tanzler And His Corpse Bride:

Carl von Cosel – The Case of the Corpse Bride:

The morbid tale of Count Von Cosel and Elena de Hoyos -